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. 2007 Sep;145(1):216–229. doi: 10.1104/pp.107.096917

Table II.

Putative vacuolar membrane proteins sorted according to the number of their putative TMDs

AGI Acc. No., Arabidopsis Genome Initiative accession number; AGIs in italics correspond to other possible proteins matching with the same peptides or part of them, AGIs in bold correspond to novel localized membrane proteins. TMD, Putative transmembrane domains were assumed according to the Aramemnon database ( and the MIPS database ( Loc., Subcellular localization predictions according to the Aramemnon database [CL, Chloroplast; ED, endosomes; MT, mitochondria; PM, plasma membrane; (PM), novel plasma membrane protein; PR, peroxisomes; T, tonoplast; (T), novel tonoplast protein; U, unknown]. PP, Protein-Prophet scores above 0.9 were accepted; at this cutoff, the rate of false-positive protein identifications is less than 10%; l, lower PP score but additional localization experiments (in bold); kD, predicted Mr in kD; tonoplast fraction treated with KI, potassium iodide; NaOH, sodium hydroxide; C/M pH 6, treatment with sodium phosphate buffer at pH 6 followed by C/M; numbers in parentheses mean the number of gel slices. The fraction in which each protein was identified is indicated by the unique number of peptides. Ref, Indicates Arabidopsis homolog(s) found by: a, Carter et al. (2004); b, Endler et al. (2006); c, Sazuka et al. (2004); d, Shimaoka et al. (2004); e, Szponarski et al. (2004); and f, Jaquinod et al. (2007).

AGI Acc. No. Protein Function TMD Loc. PP kD pI KI (8) Ac (8) NaOH (4) NaOH (10) C/M (4) C/M pH6 (4) Ref
At1g16780 Vacuolar proton-translocating pyrophosphatase 16 T 1 85.3 5.4 3 1 d
At1g78920 Vacuolar proton-translocating pyrophosphatase (AtAVP2) 16 T 1 85.1 5.4 2 d
At3g62700 Multidrug resistance-related protein (AtMRP14) 16 U 1 172.1 8.7 2 7 2 a, b, d, e, f
At3g07160 Callose synthase (1,3-β-glucan synthase) family 15 U 1 222.1 8.6 4
At1g15690 V-PPase (AtAVP-3) 14 T 1 80.8 4.9 9 21 21 2 4 a, b, c, d, e, f
At1g01790 Potassium efflux antiporter, putative (AtKEA1) 12 U 1 65.0 6.5 3
At3g28860 Multidrug resistance protein (AtMDR11) 12 U 1 136.8 8.4 4 4
At4g38350 Patched protein family 12 U 1 116.1 5.1 4 a, d, e, f
At1g16390 Organic cation transporter related 11 (T) 1 57.4 5.9 1
At3g49310 Expressed protein 11 U 0.93 50.7 6.7 1 f
At4g27720 Expressed protein 11 U 0.93 50.9 7.2 1 1
At1g27770 Ca2+-ATPase 1 (AtACA1) 10 ER 1 103.7 5.4 2
At1g29310 Flower pigmentation protein 10 U 0.97 52.2 9.3 3 3
At1g53210 Drought-induced protein, putative 10 U 1 63.4 5.0 2 3 3 a, e, f
At2g07560 P-ATPase (AtAHA6) 10 PM 1 105.0 6.1 5
At2g18960 P-ATPase (AtAHA1) 10 PM 0.98 104.2 6.7 2 4 1 6 a, c, f
At2g41560 Ca2+-ATPase 4 (AtACA4) 10 T 1 112.7 5.9 2 a, b, f
At3g57330 Ca2+-ATPase 11 (AtACA11) 10 T 1 111.9 6.3 3 a, b, d, e, f
At4g35300 Monosaccharide transporter, putative 10 U 0.97 79.7 5.4 1 1 a, b, f
At1g10950 Endomembrane protein 70, putative 9 ER 0.98 66.9 7.7 2 2
At3g13772 Endomembrane protein 70, putative 9 ER 0.92 73.6 8.2 1 f
At2g01970 Endomembrane protein 70, putative 9 ER 0.95 68.0 7.1 2
At5g45370 Nodulin N21 family protein 9 (T) 1 38.4 8.5 1
At5g46110 Phosphate/triose-P translocator (AtTPT) 9 CL 0.99 44.6 10.3 2 2
At1g06470 Integral membrane protein, putative 8 (T) 1 46.4 4.7 1
At5g54800 Glc-6-P/phosphate translocator (AtGPT1) 7 CL 1 42.3 10.1 2
At1g01620 Plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1c (AtPIP1.3) 6 PM 1 30.6 9.1 1 c
At1g17840 White-brown complex homolog, putative (AtWBC11) 6 (PM) l 78.4 8.8 1
At2g16850 Plasma membrane intrinsic protein 3b (AtPIP2.8) 6 PM 1 29.5 9.1 1 1 1
At2g21410 V-ATPase subunit a2 (AtVHA-a2) 6 T 1 93.1 5.2 7 8 15 a, b, c, d, f
At2g39010 Plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2e (AtPIP2.6) 6 PM 0.98 31.1 8.3 1 1 1 c
At2g45960 Plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1b (AtPIP1.2) 6 PM 1 30.5 9.3 1 5 1 1 a, c
At3g26520 Tonoplast intrinsic protein 2 γ (AtTIP1.2) 6 T 1 25.8 4.7 1 1 1 1 1 a, b, f
At3g61430 Plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1a (AtPIP1.1) 6 PM 1 30.7 9.3 2 2 1 7 1 a, c
At4g35100 Plasma membrane intrinsic protein 3a (AtPIP2.7) 6 PM 1 29.7 9.1 3 4 2 2 2 2 c, d
At4g39080 V-ATPase subunit a3 (AtVHA-a3) 6 T 1 92.8 5.8 4 8 1 11 1 1 a, b, c, d, e, f
At1g09330 Expressed protein 4 U 0.97 21.2 9.2 1
At1g44575 Chloroplast precursor (AtPSBS) 4 CL 0.99 28.0 10.0 2 a
At1g61250 Secretory carrier membrane protein family 4 U 1 32.6 9.0 1
At2g26650 Potassium channel (AtAKT1) 4 PM 0.92 97.0 7.3 2
At4g14230 CBS domain-containing protein related 4 U 0.93 43.8 5.3 1
At4g39220 ER protein-retrieval protein (AtRER1A) 4 ER 0.98 22.0 9.4 2
At1g19910 V-ATPase subunit c2 (AtVHA-c2) 3 T 1 16.7 8.7 1 2 6 3 4 a, b, c, d, f
At1g32210 Defender against cell death protein 3 U 0.97 12.7 8.5 2
At1g32400 Senescence-associated protein family 3 U 0.97 31.6 5.1 2 a, d
At1g72960 Root hair defective 3 U 0.97 83.8 5.5 1
At3g08580 Mitochondrial adenylate translocator (AtAAC1) 3 MT 1 41.5 10.3 3 2 20 1 a, d, f
At3g10915 RING zinc finger protein, putative 3 U 0.98 25.1 9.5 2
At3g45600 Senescence-associated protein family 3 U 1 31.9 8.7 1 1
At4g21150 Expressed protein 3 U 1 74.7 7.6 2 f
At4g23630 Expressed protein 3 U 1 30.5 8.6 6 2 a
At4g28390 Mitochondrial adenylate translocator (AtAAC3) 3 MT 1 40.7 10.3 1 3 1
At4g28770 Senescence-associated protein, putative 3 (T) 0.97 31.0 4.7 1 1 a, d, f
At5g13490 Mitochondrial adenylate translocator (AtAAC2) 3 MT 1 41.7 10.3 2 2 1 2 3 f
At5g46800 Mitochondrial Arg-Orn translocator (AtBOU) 3 MT 0.93 31.0 10.0 1
At1g06950 Chloroplast inner envelope protein (AtTic110) 2 CL 1 19.8 5.2 2 6 2
At1g08480 Expressed protein 2 U 1 15.8 6.8 2 a, f
At1g15820 Chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (AtLHCb6) 2 CL 1 27.5 7.7 1 2 2 1 a
At1g65820 Microsomal glutathione S-transferase, putative 2 U 1 16.6 9.3 2 3 1 a, d
At2g07698 Expressed protein 2 U 1 85.9 5.2 7 4 11 a, d, f
At2g40800 Expressed protein 2 U 0.98 41.7 10.4 2 2 e
At3g08640 CCT motif-containing protein (AtCIL) 2 U 0.97 35.2 9.0 1
At5g01500 Expressed protein 2 U 1 45.1 10.4 5
At5g19760 Mitochondrial dicarboxylate/ tricarboxylate carrier (AtDTC) 2 MT 1 31.9 9.6 2 2 4 6 a, f
At5g24650 Expressed protein 2 U 1 27.8 10.3 5 3 1 e, f
At5g25940 Nodulin-like protein 2 U 1 12.3 11.0 3
At5g40820 FAT domain-containing phosphatidylinositol 3- and 4-kinase family 2 U 0.92 302.4 7.0 2
At1g04630 Expressed protein 1 U 1 16.1 9.6 3
At1g04750 R-SNARE synaptobrevin, putative (AtVAMP721) 1 ED 1 16.1 10.0 4 f
At1g34610 Ulp1 protease family 1 U 0.96 111.4 6.0 2
At1g42960 Expressed protein 1 U 1 17.8 8.7 1
At1g53840 Pectinesterase family 1 U 1 64.1 8.5 1 1 f
At1g63830 Expressed protein 1 U 0.99 25.7 5.7 2
At1g70680 Ca2+-binding EF-hand common family protein 1 U 1 21.5 9.3 2
At1g70770 Expressed protein 1 U 0.90 66.9 9.3 1 f
At1g76400 Ribophorin I, putative 1 U 0.91 68.6 8.8 1
At2g27730 Expressed protein 1 U 1 11.9 10.3 1 1 a
At2g33380 RD20 protein 1 U 1 26.6 5.0 1 a
At2g36650 Expressed protein 1 U 0.90 43.0 5.0 1
At3g09740 Qc-SNARE domain protein (AtSYP71) 1 U 1 30.0 4.8 3
At3g11820 Qc-SNARE domain protein (AtSYP121) 1 U 0.95 38.0 9.4 1
At3g17840 Receptor-like kinase RLK, putative 1 U 0.96 70.4 6.5 1
At3g19820 Cell elongation protein, Dwarf1 1 U 1 65.4 8.1 8 4 2 11 a, d, f
At3g27240 Cytochrome c, putative 1 U 1 33.7 6.1 4 d, f
At3g48850 Mitochondrial phosphate transporter, putative (AtPHT3-2) 1 MT 1 39.0 9.7 3 1 8 6 f
At3g48890 Progesterone-binding protein homolog Atmp2, putative (AtMSBP1) 1 U 0.96 25.4 4.3 1 2
At3g49720 Expressed protein 1 U 1 28.5 9.7 1 f
At3g49750 Expressed protein 1 U 1 30.0 8.1 1
At3g54110 Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (AtUCP1) 1 MT 1 32.7 10.1 2 2 f
At3g60750 Transketolase, putative 1 U 0.94 80.0 6.3 1
At3g62360 Expressed protein 1 U 1 132.9 6.4 1
At3g63410 Chloroplast inner envelope protein (AtAPG1) 1 CL 1 37.9 9.5 2 3 1 f
At4g21105 Expressed protein 1 U 0.95 7.7 10.5 2 f
At4g35000 Peroxisomal ascorbate peroxidase (AtAPX3) 1 PR 0.99 31.6 7.0 2 e, f
At4g37830 Expressed protein 1 U 1 11.2 9.5 1 1
At5g01530 Light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein 1 CL 1 31.1 6.0 2 a
At5g07340 Calnexin, putative 1 ER 1 60.5 4.5 1 1 f
At5g08080 Qa-SNARE domain protein (AtSYP132) 1 U 0.96 34.2 6.3 2
At5g16660 Expressed protein 1 U 1 18.2 8.7 1
At5g47570 Expressed protein 1 U 1 13.2 8.5 3
At5g61790 Calnexin 1 (CNX1) 1 ER 1 60.5 4.5 1 3 a, e, f
At5g66680 Dolichyl-di-phosphooligosaccharide- protein glycotransferase 1 U 1 48.7 6.3 2 2 a, f