Changes in food intake by i.c.v. administration of leptin, NPY, SHU9119, AgRP, and MT-II. (A and B) The changes in the food intake of Dmbx1+/+ (n = 5) and Dmbx1−/− (n = 5–7) mice by leptin (A; gray columns) or NPY (B; gray columns) and vehicle (white columns) are shown. (C and D) Cumulative food intake for 6 h (C) or 24 h (D) for Dmbx1+/+ (n = 7–19) and Dmbx1−/− (n = 6–14) mice by AgRP (gray columns), SHU9119 (black columns), or vehicle (white columns) is shown. (E) Cumulative food intake for 3 days for Dmbx1+/+ mice (white circles and triangles, n = 12–19) and Dmbx1−/− mice (black circles and triangles, n = 14–18) by AgRP (triangles) or vehicle (circles) is shown. (F) Cumulative food intake for 24 h for Dmbx1+/+ (n = 7) and Dmbx1−/− (n = 7) mice by MT-II (gray columns) or vehicle (white columns) is shown. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.005; ***. P < 0.0005; and NS, not significant (vs. vehicle administration).