Figure 5.
(A) Normal liver tissue taken from an uninfected chimpanzee (F4). (B) Liver tissue taken from a chimpanzee (E5) chronically infected with HCV. Inflammatory infiltration in the portal area, fatty degeneration of the hepatocytes. (×320; bar = 20 μm.) (C) Immunostaining with an anticore mAb. Shown are 10 nm gold particles surrounding a lipid droplet located in the cytoplasm of an hepatocyte taken from an HCV-infected chimpanzee. (D) Accumulation of gold particles in an hepatocyte along the membrane of the ER taken from a chimpanzee infected with HCV. (×78,000; bar = 0.1 μm.) (E) Negative control. Part of the cytoplasm of an hepatocyte taken from an HCV-infected chimpanzee (E5). No primary antibody to core was applied. No accumulation of gold particles around the lipid droplets (not contrasted). (×58,900; bar = 0.1 μm.)