Figure 9. The expression levels of enzymes involved in sphingolipid metabolism during pregnancy.
Relative mRNA expression of Sphk1, Sphk2, Sptlc1, Sptlc2, Sgpl1, Sgpp1, Smpd1, Smpd2, Smpd3, Asah1, Asah2, Lass1, Lass2, Lass4, Lass5, Lass6, and Degs1 in nonpregnant whole uteri, day 7.5 pc decidua of pregnant mice, and day 7.5 pc interimplantation tissues from wild-type and Sphk1–/–Sphk2+/– females as determined by real-time PCR. Expression levels are shown relative to those in nonpregnant wild-type uteri. Data represent mean values ± SE and were compared between day 7.5 pc decidua and day 7.5 pc interimplantation tissues. n = 3. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01, paired Student’s t test.