Table 1.
species (in alphabetical order) | sperm length (mm) | sperm tail entering eggs (mm) | T53-F1 staining in tails | loop size | Loop shape | overlap | nucleus shape |
D. acanthoptera | 5.83 ± 0.09 | (++) | yes | 3 | d | weak | S |
D. americana | 5.22 ± 0.02 | nd | yes | 1 | d | weak | S |
D. bifurca | 58.29 ± 0.67 | 1.6 | yes | 1 | d | strong | O |
D. funebris | 8.29 | nd | yes | 1 | d | strong | S |
D. hydei | 23.32 ± 0.51 | 1.31 | yes | 2 | d | strong | O |
D. littoralis | 7.72 ± 0.08 | (++) | yes | 3 | f | strong | S |
D. mauritiana | 1.036 | nd | yes | 2 | f | weak | S |
D. melanogaster | 1.9 ± 0.01 | 1.78 | yes | 3 | f | strong | S |
D. mercatorum | nd | nd | yes | 3 | d | strong | O |
D. novamexicana | 6.72 ± 0.15 | nd | yes | 3 | f | weak | S |
D. pseudoobscura | 0.36 | 0.36 | yes | 2 | d | strong | S |
D. sechellia | 1.649 | nd | yes | 2 | d | weak | S |
D. simulans | 1.14 ± 0.01 | 1.14 | yes | 3 | d | weak | S |
D. tessieri | 1.0 to 2.0 | nd | yes | 3 | d | none | S |
D. texana | 5.08 ± 0.04 | nd | yes | 2 | d | weak | S |
D. virilis | 5.70 ± 0.16 | nd | yes | 3 | f | weak | S |
D. yakuba | 1.681 | nd | yes | 3 | f | none | S |
Data reported in the first three columns are partially taken from [13, 41, 49-51], and (++) indicates that almost the entire sperm tail enters the egg. Columns 5, 6 and 7 refer to the structures decorated by T53-F1 inside primary spermatocytes, as described in the Results section. In particular, loop size refers to the relative extension of the immunostaining inside the primary spermatocyte nucleus, 3 meaning very extensive loop, and 1 meaning very small loop. Loop shape indicates its filamentous (f) or dense (d) appearance. Overlap is "strong" when immunostaining and phase-contrast visible structures inside primary spermatocytes nuclei are the same, "weak" when the structures are only partially overlapped; "none" indicates that immunostained structures do not have a counterpart visible by phase-contrast. Nucleus shape, S indicates spherical or nearly spherical, O indicates other shapes (see Figure 2 and the Discussion section for further explanations). Cytological data about D. melanogaster, D. hydei, D. virilis and D. novamexicana partially come from [30].