Southern blot analyses of virus DNA as compared with that of their corresponding E. coli-derived plasmid ancestors. (A) Agarose gel electrophoresis (0.8%) of PacI + HindIII-restricted incP replicons and HindIII-restricted viral DNA from cell-transfected extracts. Lanes: M, 1 kb marker; 1 and 2, Ad2689 and pXL2689, respectively; 3 and 4, Ad2822 and pXL2822, respectively; 5 and 6, Ad2811 and pXL2811, respectively; and 7, pXL2789. (B) Autoradiograms from the blot obtained from the gel shown in A hybridized with probes that encompass the packaging sequence Ψ (B-1), the pIX gene (B-2), or the E4 region of Ad5 (B-3). Sizes of the expected fragments are indicated on the left.