Effects of ER gene disruption on open-field behaviors in 5-min tests over 3 consecutive days. There were overall significant genotype differences in the mean number of rearings and leanings [A; F(2,53) = 3.731, P < 0.05], mean number of crossings in the center area [B; F(2,53) = 3.840, P < 0.05], and mean number of defecations and urinations [C; F(2,53) = 3.828, P < 0.05]. ERKO mice showed female-type open-field behaviors compared with WT mice (∗, significantly different from WT, but not HZ, mice at α = 0.05), i.e., higher number of rearings and leanings, entered more often to the center area, and defecated less. In these three measurements, there was also a significant day effect but no interaction with genotype: in all three genotype groups, the number of rearings/leanings and the number of crossings in the center area deceased, and the number of defecations/urinations increased over the 3 days of tests.