Figure 3.
Light microscopic analysis of eosinophils in the esophagus. Immunohistochemical identification (by anti-MBP staining) of eosinophils in the esophagus of saline-challenged (a) and allergen-challenged (b–f) wild-type (BALB/c) mice. Most eosinophils (arrows) are located in the lamina propria (b–f), submucosa (e), and epithelial layer (d and f). Higher-power magnification photomicrographs reveal penetration of eosinophils through the basal epithelial layer (d) and the detection of extracellular MBP staining (f; arrowheads). Original magnifications are ×150 (a), ×250 (b), ×500 (c and e), and ×1250 (d and f). Ep, epithelium.