Fig. 5.
Time course of RGA-3/4 depletion by RNAi. (A) PAR-2-GFP (green) and mCherry-PAR-6 (red) localization in control and in representative rga-3/4(RNAi) embryos at selected time points. Time is in hours (h) and represents the time between dsRNA injection and analysis. The severity of the phenotype depends on the length of RNAi incubation time: PAR-2 domain size increases, the PAR-6 domain shrinks, and the PCF becomes more asymmetric, such as one side of the furrow is more anterior and deeper than the other side. We further observed an increase in membrane blebbing and the formation of cytoplasts, which pinched off anteriorly but were often resorbed later. (B and C) Time course of rga-3/4(RNAi). The maximal extension of the PCF (B) and of the PAR-2 domain (C) from the posterior pole increased with longer rga-3/4(RNAi) incubation. Each bar represents the average value for each RNAi time point.