Figure 2.
Dyad-1 is necessary for expression of Or genes in the maxillary palp. (A) Deletions of the Or71a locus were generated by imprecise excision of a P element ∼1 kb upstream. Expression of Or71a (“+”or “−”) was assayed by in situ hybridization. Staining for Or71a mRNA in the maxillary palps of Δ2 and Δ3 is shown. (B) Light and confocal micrographs of maxillary palps containing UAS-lacZ or UAS-GFP and the wild type Or46a 1.9kb-GAL4 (upper panels) or Or46a 1.9(Dyad)-GAL4 (lower panels). (C) Light and confocal micrographs of maxillary palps containing UAS-lacZ or UAS-GFP and wild-type Or85e 0.45kb-GAL4 (upper panels) or mutant Or85e 0.45(Dyad)-GAL4 (lower panels). At least 4 independent transgenic lines were tested for each construct. GFP staining in the maxillary palp is indicated by a “+”or “−”, in flies that contain Or-GAL4 and the UAS-GFP transgene.