Figure 1. pHo effect on homomeric Kir2.1 and Kir2.3 channels in HEK293 cells.
A. Acidification to pHo = 5.0 from control (pHo = 7.4) has no significant effect on whole-cell Kir2.1 current B. Peak inward (filled squares) and peak outward (open squares) Kir2.1 whole-cell currents normalized to current values at pHo = 7.4 and plotted as a function of pHo (n = 6–10). C. Acidification to pHo = 5.0 from control (pHo = 7.4) significantly inhibits whole-cell Kir2.3 current D. Peak inward (filled circles) and peak outward (open circles) Kir2.3 whole-cell currents normalized to current values at pHo = 7.4 and plotted as a function of pHo (n = 7–11). Increases in pHo blocked whole-cell inward and outward currents. See text for details.