Fig. 1.
Muscle dNox regulates ovulation. (A–C) White bars, UAS-dNox-IR; black bars, UAS-dNox-IR + TubP-GAL4. (A) Quantitative RT-PCR of dNox in adult flies. (B) Progeny produced from crosses of control and dNox RNAi females with w1118 males. (C) Eggs laid by control and dNox RNAi females mated with w1118 males. (D–H) Control, UAS-DN352-IR; dNox RNAi, UAS-DN352 + TubP-GAL4. (D–E) Photographs of 10 day old control (D) and dNox RNAi (E) females. (F–G) Light micrographs of ovaries dissected from mated control (F) and dNox RNAi (G) females. (H) Ovulation rate of control and dNox RNAi females at various time points after crossing with w1118 males. Squares, control; triangles, dNox RNAi. (I) Progeny produced from crosses of females of the indicated genotype with w1118 males.