Fig. 3.
Proctolin activates ROS production through dNox. (A–C) L-012 luminescence after addition of 1 μM proctolin and 1 μM ionomycin. Control, UAS-DN352-IR; dNox RNAi, UAS-DN352 + TubP-GAL4. (A) Squares, control ovaries; triangles, control ovaries + 20 μM M40403. (B) Squares, control ovaries; open triangles, control ovaries + 1 μM BAPTA-AM; closed triangles, control ovaries + 5 μM BAPTA-AM. (C) Squares, control ovaries; filled triangles, control ovaries + 20 μM DPI; open triangles, dNox RNAi ovaries.