Amber implements efficient simulations with periodic boundary conditions, using the PME method for electrostatic interactions and a continuum model for long-range van der Waals interactions. |
One cannot do good simulations of just part of a system, such as the active site of an enzyme: stochastic boundary conditions for the water-continuum interface are missing, as are efficient means for handling long-range electrostatics and a reaction field. |
Non-periodic simulations are supported, using a generalized Born or numerical Poisson-Boltzmann implicit solvent model. |
The component programs lack a consistent user interface; there is only limited scripting capability to support types of calculations not anticipated by the authors. |
Explicit support is provided for carbohydrate simulations, as well as for proteins, nucleic acids and small organic molecules. |
There is limited support for force fields other than those developed by Amber contributors. |
Free-energy calculations use thermodynamic integration or umbrella sampling techniques, and are not limited to pairwise decomposable potentials. |
Missing features include: “dual topology” free energy calculations, reaction-path analysis, Monte Carlo sampling, torsion angle dynamics, and interactive steered molecular dynamics. |
Convergence acceleration can use locally-enhanced sampling or replica exchange techniques. |
QM/MM simulations are limited to semiempirical Hamiltonians, and cannot currently be combined with the PME or generalized Born solvation options. |
There is a extensive support for trajectory analysis and energetic post-processing. |
The codes were written by many authors over many years, and much of it is difficult to understand or modify. |
Restraints can be very flexible, and can be based on many types of NMR data. |
Efficient parallel scaling beyond about a dozen processors may required access to special hardware or the adoption of an implicit solvent model. |
There is a large and active user community, plus tutorials and a User’s Manual to guide new users. The source code is portable and is available for inspection and modification. |
Users are required to compile the programs themselves, and it can be tedious to assemble the needed compilers and libraries. |