RT-PCR analyses of the Helicase (Upper) and misato (Lower) loci. The molecular weight markers in lane 1 are the 1018-bp and the 517/506-bp doublet of the Boehringer 1-kb ladder. The sources of the mRNA in the remaining lanes are as follows: 2, adult ovaries; 3, larval salivary glands; 4, larval fat bodies; 5, imaginal disks; 6, larval third-instar brains; 7, late pupal brains; 8 and 9, adult female and adult male brains respectively, less than 1 hr after emergence; 10 and 11, adult female and adult male brains at 5 days after emergence; 12 and 13, adult female and adult male brains at 20 days after emergence; and 14, adult thoraces.