(a) Measurement of B-cell pseudoemperipolesis on FLSs from RA patients. Nalm-6, Reh, Ramos, or BJAB B cells were added to separate wells of confluent RA FLSs from a representative RA patient at the input numbers indicated on the horizontal axis. After 2 hours, nonmigrated cells were removed and the adherent FLS layer was detached and made into single-cell suspensions. The numbers of B cells contained within the adherent FLS layer were assessed by flow cytometry. Displayed are the mean (± SEM) numbers of events acquired in 20 seconds in the lymphocyte scatter gate at high flow from duplicate wells. (b) Comparison between RA FLSs and OA FLSs in their capacity to support pseudoemperipolesis. Nalm-6 B cells or Ramos B cells were incubated on confluent layers of FLSs from a representative patient with RA or a patient with OA. After 2 hours, the B cells that had migrated beneath the FLSs were assessed, as outlined in a. Displayed are the mean relative numbers (± range) of migrated cells, collected from duplicate wells with the numbers of input cells indicated on the horizontal axis.