Bmp signaling alone is not sufficient for induction of bone collars. (a–c) In situ hybridization of sections of the tibiae from d17.5 embryos with a mouse Bmp2 antisense probe. In the wild-type growth plate (a), Bmp2 mRNA is expressed in hypertrophic chondrocytes and the perichondrium, whereas both in the PPR–/–/wild-type chimeric growth plate (b) and in the Ihh–/–;PPR–/–/wild-type chimeric growth plate (c), ectopic hypertrophic mutant cells also express Bmp2 mRNA (arrowheads). (d–f) In situ hybridization of sections of the tibiae from d17.5 embryos with a mouse Bmp6 antisense probe. In the wild-type growth plate (d), Bmp6 mRNA is expressed in hypertrophic chondrocytes, whereas both in the PPR–/–/wild-type chimeric growth plate (e) and in the Ihh–/–;PPR–/–/wild-type chimeric growth plate (f), ectopic hypertrophic mutant cells also express Bmp6 mRNA (arrowheads). Horizontal bar = 100 μm.