Effect of IFNα and Tat on the regulation of C-C
chemokines production. (a) Effect of IFNα on immune
cells. (a1) Kinetics of MIP-1α
production by PBMC from a seronegative donor, cultured in the presence
of sheep anti-IFNα (—⧫—) or control serum (—⋄—) at 1:200
dilution. (a2) Kinetics of T cell
proliferation (—○— —•—) and of MIP-1α
(—▵— —▴—) production in PBMC from a
representative donor, cultured in the absence (—○—
—▵—) or the presence (—•— —▴—)
of recombinant IFNα at 10 nM. Each experiment was repeated at least
three times. MIP-1α levels were measured by ELISA; cell proliferation
by 3H-thymidine incorporation and results were
expressed as cpm. (b) Effect of HIV-1 Tat on
macrophages. (b1 and
b2) Monolayers of purified macrophages
were pretreated for 3 h at 37°C in HL-1 medium with varying
concentrations of Tat protein. Tat pretreated cells were then cultured
in the presence of PHA-P for 24 h.
(b1) SN were collected for IFNα
titration (41). (b2) Cells were cultured
in the presence (—•—) or the absence (—○—) of
IFNα (12.5 nM), and SN was collected after 24 h for MIP-1α
titration. (c) Effect of Tat on PBMC. PBMC from
seronegative donors were pretreated for 3 h with (▪) or
without (□) Tat (concentration 200 nM) before activation
with anti-CD3 Abs and cultured for 3 days in the presence of IL-2. SN
were tested in c1 for IFNα and in
c2 for MIP-1α production.
(c3) SN of cells pretreated with (—•—
—▴—) or without (—○— —▵—) Tat
protein were tested for MIP-1α production (—▵—
—▴—) and for T cell proliferation
(—○— —•—). D1, D2, D3, and D4 = donors
1, 2, 3, and 4.