Computationally predicted promoter elements located within the sequence of the promoter area of the human RFP2 gene. DNA fragment corresponding to insert in pGLM6 most active in luciferase assay is highlighted by blue background. First exon of the human RFP2 gene is in the underlined letters in red color, shorter isoform of this exon is shown in bold. Bold lines depict locations of the computationally predicted promoter elements. Results of the human first exon finder are underlined in blue, results of the promoter scan—in green, and NNPP prediction algorithm results in brown. Nucleotides shown in capital red letters indicate transcription start sites predicted by NNPP. Transcription Start Sites predicted by Markov chain promoter finder and by Promoter 2.0 Prediction Server are shown by green and blue arrows, respectively. Nucleotide positions shown in bold blue letters and in bold green letters are occupied by imperfect repeats forming quadruplexes at non-coding and coding DNA strands, respectively.