Figure 4.
Electrophysiological characterization of RORα−/− PCs. (A1) Two superimposed sweeps of all-or-none CF-mediated EPSCs in normal PCs and one subthreshold response evoked by stimulation of the granular layer at the holding potential of −80 mV. (A2) Same cell recorded in current-clamp mode at −70 mV. (B1) Superimposed sweeps of CF-mediated EPSCs elicited in a multiply innervated RORα−/− PC held at −80 mV by stimulating the granular layer with progressively increasing strength. (B2) Plot of amplitudes against time of CF-mediated EPSCs recorded at −80 mV in the same cell as in B1. Note the stepwise variation of the responses with progressively increasing stimulation strength. (C1) Same as in B1 using another neuron. (C2) The cell was held in current-clamp mode at −80 mV and the granular layer was stimulated with progressively increasing intensity.