Figure 4. Quantification of siRNA copies in CRCaP tumors and mouse tissues.
A: Dynamic range and sensitivity of the hAR-siRNA antisense strand assay. 104 to 1011 copies of the antisense strand of hAR-siRNA were reverse-transcribed using a stem-loop primer. The product was amplified in the presence of SyberGreen and the cycle threshold (CT) plotted against the log of the number of copies of the input target. B: Detection of the antisense strand of hAR-siRNA in tumors (tum), testis (test), prostate (prost) and liver of mice treated with 3 µg of cont- (c) or hAR-siRNA (AR) injected i.p. in 50 µl of saline. The number of siRNA copies is normalized to the tissue weight (mean±SE n = 3).