A summary of the salient differences between ventral (A) and dorsal (B) forebrain with regard to dopamine receptor mRNA expression. For the sake of simplicity, the striatum and globus pallidus are grouped together under ventral forebrain and frontal and cingulate cortices under dorsal forebrain, overlooking differences between each of the 2 regions within a group. Data on prenatal expression are taken from the striatum (E12 and E15) and frontal cortex (E15) only. In both the forebrain regions, D1R and D2R mRNA are by far the most abundant. However, both D1R and D2R mRNA expression is significantly higher in the ventral than dorsal forebrain. D2R mRNA levels are higher than D1R mRNA in the ventral forebrain whereas the opposite is the case in the dorsal forebrain. Whereas both D1R and D2R mRNA increase during development in the ventral forebrain, both show decline in the dorsal forebrain. D3R mRNA shows the most striking developmental change in the ventral forebrain with two peaks separated by a trough anchored around the time of birth. D4R mRNA shows the most striking developmental change in the dorsal forebrain with its high expression level early in development and a rapid decline in the postnatal period. D5R mRNA shows comparable developmental changes in both the regions.