Figure 5.
Exhaustive search for conserved WG/GW platforms. Proteins containing conserved WG/GW motifs from different organisms were identified by PSI-BLAST alignment of the SD from AtNRPD1b against protein databases. An all-against-all alignment of the identified proteins was carried out using the Dotter program. The figure presents a twofold mirror image of the comparison of each sequence against all of the others, the diagonal representing self-versus-self alignments highlighting intramolecular repetitions. Sequences used were Arabidopsis thaliana NRPD1b; conceptual translations of Arabidopsis genes At5g04290 and At1g65440; P. tetraurelia; NOWA1/2; Homo sapiens proteins GW182, TNRC6B, and TNRC6C; Drosophila melanogaster protein GAWKY; T. thermophila cnjB; A. thaliana SDE3; C. elegans AIN-1; H. sapiens PrP27-30; and C. elegans PrP-like.