Results for the 10 best ANNs for classifying words overall. The parameter groups incorporated in each ANN can be identified by the Roman numeral by reference to Table 2. The percentages of F words correctly classified out of the total F words are given in the next column. The percentages of P and R words are presented in the same manner in columns three and four. Ps and Rs collapsed into a gross D category are given as the percentage correctly classified in column six (computed in the same manner as before). In the final column, the percentage of words classified correctly into either F, P, or R categories out of the total words is given (the percentages in this column are the basis for rank ordering the ANNs). All category designations used for scoring these results are from the most experienced judge. A breakdown of parameter groups for the best 10 ANNs is given at the floor of the table. This is a count of how many ANNs the designated parameter group featured in the best 10 ANNs