Fig. 6.
In vivo synthesis of plastid-encoded membrane proteins. (A) Primary leaves from wild-type (WT) and cyp38-2 (38-2) sucrose-grown plants were fed [35S]Met in the presence of cycloheximide. After a 20-min incubation, thylakoid membrane proteins (5 μg of chlorophyll) were isolated and separated by 12.5% SDS/PAGE. Proteins were then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane and visualized autoradiographically. (B) After 20 min of labeling leaves with [35S]Met (as in A), thylakoid membrane complexes (5 μg of chlorophyll) were separated by BN/PAGE. (Left) BN/PAGE pattern. (Right) Autoradiography image of the BN/PAGE. PSI-M, PSI monomer; PSII-D, PSII dimer; RC47, PSII reaction center complex without CP43 subunit (41); RC, PSII reaction center complex without CP47 and CP43 subunits (41).