Figure 1.
Simple intraplex concept diagram showing idealized characteristics. A. m = 5 different microsphere sets (i.e. 5 SMPCS's) (labeled 01 to 05) are shown. Their respective coatings of ligand (in this case antigen) to bind analyte (in this case antibody) are varied by consecutive dilutions. So, more binding sites are available for a target antibody analyte on those microspheres incubated with higher concentrations. B. Reporter fluorescence readings for an assay that reflect the 2× series dilutions of ligand bound to microspheres showing how each set responds differently to the same concentration of analyte. Mean of m = 6200 as denoted by horizontal line. This is the internal self mean of the m fluorescence readings. C. Internal self mean ratios for each of the SMPCS's. Example calculation shown for SMPCS 01. The mean of m is used as the denominator for each of the m fluorescence readings.