Figure 7.
Representative z-stack of TUNEL+/doublecortin+ cells. Photographs were taken at 2 μm intervals. Identical analyses were conducted for every cell that was scored as TUNEL+ and expressing a cell type-specific antigen, as shown in Figure 4. Each row shows, from left to right, TUNEL staining, doublecortin staining, S-100b staining, and the merged image. (a-d) Images taken at -4 μm; (e-h) -2 μm; (i-l) 0 μm; (m-p) 2 μm. The congruence between the doublecortin+ staining and the TUNEL+ nuclei (which shows up as yellow in the merged image) was presumably due to the changes in antigen distribution associated with nuclear fragmentation, as this was always cell-type specific in that there was overlap only in those cases in which the rest of the cell was also stained with the same antibody. For example TUNEL+/doublecortin+ cells were always doublecortin+ in the cytoplasm, and other antibodies used in the same sections did not label the TUNEL-labeled nuclei of doublecortin+ cells.