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. 2006 Aug 24;577(Pt 1):97–113. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2006.113050

Figure 9. Post-stimulus resumption of cortical persistent firing dictates the dynamics of MSN late response to cortical stimulation.

Figure 9

A, to examine the phase shifting effect of cortical stimulation in the slow wave condition (n = 8, 4 s inter-stimulus interval, 25–100 trials per neuron), we computed inter-trial instantaneous phase (IIP) distributions for the simultaneously recorded ECoG, MUras and MSN Vm, and took circular dispersion of IIP distributions as a measure of stimulus-induced phase concentration. IIP circular dispersion fell dramatically following stimulation in all three recordings (*P < 0.001 versus pre-stimulus, t test for paired data). B, polar plots illustrating the latencies to the first post-stimulus persistent cortical firing episode (B1) or to the MSN LD (B2) as a function of ECoG phase at stimulus arrival (n = 8 MUras–MSN pairs, 4 s inter-stimulus interval). The latency to cortical ensemble activation was computed from wavelet decomposed and normalized MUras, as the time to the first negative-to-positive post-stimulus waveform transition. Polar plot data are summarized in the box and whisker graphs below, showing median latency (red bar), 25–75% data interval (box) and range (error bar) for the four quadrants (A, B, C and D) of the corresponding polar plots. Grey lines are MUras waveform (B3) or MSN membrane potential (B4) mean relative amplitudes as a function of ECoG IP at the time of stimulus arrival (upper x-axis) (P < 0.00001, Kruskall-Wallis ANOVA; *P < 0.05 versus quadrants C and D, post hoc Tukey test). C, latency of MSN LD plotted as a function of the latency of cortical ensemble activation in slow wave (n = 8 MUras–ECoG pairs, black circles) and activated ECoG conditions (n = 4 MUras–ECoG pairs, red circles). LD latency increased linearly with increasing cortical ensemble activation delay (r = 0.81, P < 0.001 for the regression's ANOVA). One MUras–MSN pair could be recorded in the activated ECoG condition only.