Multispecies competition for a single resource.
(A) Biomass increases with original species richness in
simulations in which R* values for each of
N species were drawn randomly from a uniform
distribution on the interval [1, 10], and the best competitor among
them (the lowest R*) identified. ·, the biomass of
that best competitor, computed with a = 1,
Q = 1, and S = 10, for each of
100 cases at each level of N. The solid curve and
• were analytically calculated using Eq. 3.
(B) Variance in biomass calculated from simulations
(○) and analytically with Eq. 4 (•,
curve) using parameters above. (C) Ambient level of resource
remaining unused in the habitat versus original species richness. ·,
resource levels for individual simulations and • and
curve are predicted by Model 1.