χ2 values for individual positions of Alu and ID flanking repeats and of adjacent regions. χ2 = Σi = 14(Oi − Ei)2/Ei; Ei = (Total) × (Compositioni), where individual base occurrences (Oi), total numbers of bases at different positions (Total), and the base compositions (Comp.) for the top and bottom part of the figure are from Tables 1 and 2, respectively. χ2 values above the broken horizontal line correspond to significance levels of P < 0.001 for 3 degrees of freedom. The discrete χ2 values were connected by lines to improve the presentation. (a) A cluster of significant χ2 values occurs at positions −2 through +4 around the 5′ ends of flanking repeats. (b) Significant χ2 values are near the 3′ ends of flanking repeats at positions −4, −3, and −2 immediately preceding the presumed antisense nicking site which is between positions −1 and +1. The significant nonrandomness around positions −11 through −16 corresponds to the 5′ end of flanking repeats presented above. Significant χ2 values not shared by Alu and ID flanking repeats are not considered here. (c) The overall scheme indicating mutual orientation of retroposed elements, flanking repeats, and adjacent regions.