Figure 5 Real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) graph shows a significant difference in amplification efficiency between a typical gastric adenocarcinoma sample and adjacent non‐neoplastic gastric mucosa. Y Axis is fluorescence and x axis is cycle number (A). Amplification of ghrelin mRNA in the adenocarcinoma sample is delayed when compared with the non‐neoplastic mucosa suggesting a marked decrease in the cancer sample (*p<0.05; B). Real‐time PCR graph shows no significant difference in amplification efficiency between a typical oesophageal adenocarcinoma sample and adjacent non‐neoplastic squamous oesophagus mucosa (C). No apparent difference was noticed in ghrelin mRNA between the adenocarcinoma sample and the non‐neoplastic squamous oesophageal mucosa (p = not significant; D).