Figure 6.
Association of CYP71 with the STM and KNAT1 Chromatin Loci.
(A) Protein gel blot analysis of total protein in wild-type and transgenic plants using anti-GFP or anti-HA serum.
(B) Schematic presentation of the KNAT1, STM, and AP1 genes, indicating the positions of the PCR fragments amplified from the ChIP products. PF1 to PF3, PCR fragments 1 to 3. Exons and introns are indicated by closed and open rectangles, respectively.
(C) ChIP assay revealed the association of CYP71 with the KNAT1 and STM loci, but not with AP1. Results from three lines of 35S-CYP71-GFP and one line of 35S-CYP71-HA transgenic plants are presented. ChIP assay did not detect an association of FKBP53 with KNAT1 and STM loci in the 35S-FKBP53-GFP plants. Samples were from leaves of transgenic plants for 28 d. The input is chromatin before immunoprecipitation. C, 35S-FKBP53-GFP transgenic plants; 1 to 3, three lines of 35S-CYP71-GFP plants; −AB, ChIP product with no antibody; GFP-AB, ChIP product with antibody to GFP; HA-AB, ChIP product with antibody to HA. The experiments were repeated three times using independent materials, and results from one experiment are shown.