Effects of z-VAD.FMK and cathepsin B inhibitor (z-FA.FMK) on infarct volume (A) and area (B), and neurological deficits (C) after transient focal ischemia in SV-129 mice. Animals were subjected to MCA filament occlusion for 2 hr and reperfused for 18 hr as described. Vehicle (○), z-VAD.FMK (27 ng; •), z-VAD.FMK (80 ng; ▵), z-VAD.FMK (240 ng; ▴), and z-FA.FMK (240 ng; □) were injected i.c.v. 15 min before ischemia and immediately after reperfusion. Infarct area was determined in each of five coronal sections (2 mm) from anterior (2 mm from anterior pole) to posterior (10 mm; B). z-VAD.FMK (80 and 240 ng) decreased infarct volume and neurological deficits, whereas z-FA.FMK (240 ng) did not. After treatment with z-FA.FMK and z-VAD.FMK (27 ng), infarct areas did not differ from vehicle in the 5 coronal sections (data not shown). Data are presented as means ± SE (n = 5–12). ∗, P < 0.05; ∗∗, P < 0.01 vs. vehicle.