Evolution of r/rmax as a function of time after a laser flash at t = 0 for stepped, uniaxially rotating devices (see text). (A) Experimentally observed (2). (B–E) Theoretical (this work). The inclination angle θ is set as 54.7° (magic angle). (A) Observed transients of r of γ-labeled, immobilized F-ATPase in the inactive (horizontal trace) and active state (monotonic decay). (B) Number of steps: n = 2. Rotational drift is undistinguishable from rotational random walk. (C) n = 3 (solid line, drift; broken line, random walk). Rotational drift is practically undistinguishable from rotational random walk. (D) n = 6 (solid line, drift; broken line, random walk). Rotational drift causes damped oscillation of r. (E) n = 50 (drift only). Rotational drift causes damped oscillation of r.