FIG. 4.
Inhibition of phagocytic activity by H. ducreyi culture supernatant fluids and by bacteria separated from the phagocytes by filter supports. HL-60 granulocytes were treated for 1 h with the following: culture supernatant fluid from overnight (15-h) cultures of H. ducreyi 35000HP (a); 40-fold-concentrated culture supernatant fluid (b); live H. ducreyi 35000HP separated from the phagocytes by filter supports (c); live H. ducreyi 35000HP (d). Phagocytosis of opsonized fluorescent microspheres was performed in the absence and presence of 10% (vol/vol) NRS. The percentage of HL-60 cells with intracellular fluorescent microspheres is shown. Each bar represents the mean with standard error of three independent experiments. Bar groups: 1, wild-type 35000HP; 2, lspA1 lspA2 mutant 35000HP.12; 3, cdtABC hhdAB mutant 35000.38; 4, E. coli HB101; 5, uninoculated culture medium control (i.e., supplemented Columbia broth for H. ducreyi culture supernatant fluids, or RPMI-F for live bacteria).