Partial gas chromatograms of the total lipid extracts from the investigated microbial mats. 1, C17 n-alkane; 2, C15 fatty acid; 3, C16 fatty acid; 4, C17 fatty acid; 5, C17 alkanol; 6, C18:1 fatty acid; 7, C18 fatty acid; 8, C18 alkanol; 9, C31:3 alkene; 10, C31 wax ester; 11, C32 iso-wax ester; 12, C32 wax ester; 13, C33 iso-wax ester; 14, C33 wax ester; 15, C34 iso-wax ester; 16, C34 wax ester; I.S., internal standard.