Predicted coding sequence of EEN compared with other related sequences. (a) A multiple-sequence alignment of proteins found to be most closely related to the following GenBank accession numbers: EEN (U65999U65999), SH3p8 (U58885U58885), SH3p4 (U58886U58886), SH3p13 (U58887U58887), and Ce-SH3 (C. elegans CELF35A5.8, U46675U46675). Dark and light shading represent identical residues and conserved residues, respectively. Arrowheads indicate the point of MLL fusion to the predicted EEN amino acid sequence. (b) The sequence alignment of EEN (amino acids 312–360) to Src homology 3 (SH3) domain-containing proteins. The SwissProt accession numbers for the sequences shown are as follows: GRB2 (Human Grb2 C-terminal SH3 domain, P29354P29354), Sem5 (C. elegans Sem5 C-terminal domain, P29355P29355), Drk (Drosophila Drk C-terminal SH3 domain, Q0812), Myos1c (Myosin 1c heavy chain, P10569) and SRC (Human Src, P12931).