Figure 4.
The effects evoked by ionophoretic administration of CP-93 129 on the activity of NTS neurones in anaesthetized rats. (a) The top trace shows a rate histogram (spikes bin−1) and the bottom depicts the raw extracellular recording of neuronal activity (cell). The bars show when CP-93 129 was being applied at the currents stated. (b) Histograms of the combined data of NTS neuronal activity (n = 41) showing means with vertical lines representing s.e.m. From left to right: baseline activity, activity evoked by ionophoretic administration of CP-93 129 (40–240 nA), and recovery of activity. (i) The combined data from 28 neurones that were excited whereas (ii) represents the combined data from five neurones that showed inhibition. Comparisons were carried out using Student's paired t-test.