Figure 3.
Antinociceptive dose-dependent effect of Thr6-BK injected i.c.v. in rats. (a) Time course of the dose-dependent increase in latencies in the tail flick test induced by i.c.v. injection of Thr6-BK. (b) AUC of the groups shown in (a). (c) Time course of the dose-dependent increase in latencies in the hot-plate test induced by i.c.v. injection of Thr6-BK. (d) AUC of the groups shown in (c). *Significantly different from control (*P<0.05 **P<0.001); #significantly different from the 8 nmol dose of Thr6-BK, and + significantly different from the 4 nmol dose of Thr6-BK. AUC, area under the curve of antinociception; IA, index of antinociception; Thr6-BK, threonine6-bradykinin.