Figure 1.
Dependence of striatal LTD induction on postsynaptic depolarization (Depol). (A) LTD was induced by stimulating corticostriatal afferents at 100 Hz for 1 sec along with simultaneous 1-sec depolarization to −10 or 0 mV, repeated four times at 10-sec intervals (n = 11). The pipette contained a standard intracellular solution. (B) HFS alone in voltage-clamp condition at −80 or −90 mV failed to induce LTD (n = 5). (C) Depolarization to 0 mV (1-sec duration, repeated four times at 10-sec intervals) in the absence of HFS failed to induce LTD (n = 8). Points in each graph are values averaged over 1-min time epochs. EPSCs shown above the graph are recorded at times indicated by letters. Waveforms in A–C are averages of 20 individual EPSCs.