Figure 6.
Phylogenetic analysis of the novel primate herpesviruses. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the amino acid (aa) sequences encoded by the gB-DPOL segments of the novel primate herpesviruses and of known human and non-human primate herpesviruses, available in GenBank. A multiple alignment of concatenated 1100 aa was analysed with the neighbor-joining method. A midpoint-rooted phylogram is shown. The branch length is proportional to evolutionary distance (scale bar). Results of bootstrap analysis (100-fold) are indicated at the nodes of the tree, to the left of the first vertical divider. In addition, the alignment was analysed with Tree-Puzzle 5.0. Support values, estimated by the quartet puzzling (QP) tree search and expressing the QP reliability in percent, are indicated at the nodes of the tree to the left of the vertical divider. Nodes with values below 70% in both analyses were depicted as pat of a multifurcation (black bar). Viruses, which are entirely novel or viruses for which additional sequence information was generated, are highlighted with black arrows. Herpesvirus genera and families are indicated. Full names of known viruses and their nucleotide sequence accession numbers are listed in the Methods section.