Immunoblot demonstrating immunoaffinity isolation of thromboxane receptors: (Left) Western blot demonstrating isolation of TXA2 receptors from human platelet lysates. TXA2 receptors were isolated by incubating platelet lysates with TXR2 anti-receptor antibody precoupled to agarose beads. Bead eluates (E1–E3) were resolved by SDS/PAGE, transferred to nitrocellulose, and then immunoblotted with TXR2 antibody. L, platelet lysate; L*, lysate after incubating with TXR2 antibody beads; B*, IgG from TXR2 beads; E1–E3, sequential eluates from the TXR2 antibody beads incubated with platelet lysate, washed, and then eluted with low pH glycine buffer. The 47–53-kDa band in lanes L, E1, E2, and E3 is the platelet TXA2 receptor. (Right) Separate experiments demonstrating the expected (ref. 42) small decrease in Mr of the TXA2 receptor following endoproteinase Lys-C digestion. One of four similar experiments. R, TXA2 receptors; LC, receptor digested with endoproteinase Lys-C.