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. 2007 Aug 17;35(16):e106. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkm560

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Selected conformations of star and polygon fibers with repeated β sequences. (A) A star fiber with β sequence (11)n showing collisions between every fifth nucleosome. (BI) Polygon fibers. (B and C) (22)n, (C) in a compact form as seen from the side and from the end. (D) A coil formed by (44)n. (E and F) A polygon fiber with the approximate β sequence (222)n, as shown in side-on view from two angles differing by 90° (E), and in a more compact form (F). (GI) The fiber (1111)n as seen in side view from two angles and from the end (G). One and the same nucleosome is marked by an asterisk. (H) Model of the fiber in (G, F) with partially overlapping hexanucleosomal loops. The first four nucleosomes (•1•1•11) in each repeat are painted in same color in the sequence red, green, blue, yellow and red (top to bottom) and numbered 1–4. (I) A loop formed by β sequence (3333)n. α = 36 and 108° in the star- and polygon fibers, respectively, except in (E, F) where α = 90°. Bar = 30 nm.