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. 2006;8(5):386–392. doi: 10.1080/13651820600641233

Table 2. Effect of a Lithogenic Diet on Biliary Lipids.

No. of pools Diet TBA mM PPL mM XOL mg/ml TBA mol% PPL mol% XOL mol% TL g/dl CSI
Lean 14 chow 216.1±9.8a 43.6±3.2a 3.5±0.5a 81.1±1.1a 16.2±0.9a 3.4±0.4a 14.1±0.6a 0.6±0.1a
Het-Ob 13 chow 185.3±7.0b 32.6±1.7b 2.1±0.2b 83.0±0.5a 14.6±0.5ab 2.4±0.1a 11.8±0.5b 0.4±0.02a
Homo-Ob 11 chow 272.8±18.1c 50.6±4.5a 3.6±0.6a 83.9±1.3a 12.9±0.7b 3.2±0.6a 16.9±1.0c 0.6±0.1a
Lean 10 xol 210.5±10.7d 38.4±1.5d 6.3±0.5*c 78.6±1.5bc 14.7±0.9c 7.0±0.7*b 13.9±0.4d 1.2±0.1*b
Het-Ob 10 xol 230.7±4.1*d 37.1±1.9d 6.7±0.5*c 80.8±0.7c 13.0±0.5c 6.1±0.4*b 14.8±0.4*d 1.1±0.05*b
Homo-Ob 8 xol 171.5±10.7*e 40.5±2.4d 4.8±0.4d 74.0±1.4*b 17.3±1.5*d 5.8±0.3*b 12.5±0.6*d 0.9±0.1*b
Two-Way ANOVA p-value
Strain Effects 0.447 <0.001 0.367 0.126 0.396 0.53 0.033 0.61
Diet Effects 0.024 0.003 0.001 <0.001 0.052 <0.001 0.056 <0.001
Strain-Diet Interaction <0.001 <0.001 0.002 0.016 <0.001 0.326 <0.001 0.252

NOTE: Data represent mean ±SEM.

Different superscript letters among strains on same diet indicate significant difference from one another, p < 0.001.*p < 0.05 vs same strain on chow diet.

Abbreviations: TBA = Total Bile Acids, PPL = Phospholipids, XOL = Cholesterol, TL = Total lipids, CSI = Cholesterol Saturation Index.