Fig. 5.
Cleavage of pro-BmSpz1 by proteinases in the plasma from M. sexta (A) and B. mori (B) larvae challenged by killed microbes. Pro-BmSpz1 (0.2 μg, 1 μl), induced plasma (2 μl), M. luteus (1 μg, 1 μl), and buffer (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 10 μl) were incubated at room temperature for 15 min. The reaction mixture (11 μl) were analyzed by 15% SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting using 1:2000 diluted antiserum to B. mori spätzle-1 as the first antibody. (A) Lane 1, pro-BmSpz1; lane 2, induced plasma; lane 3, pro-BmSpz1, induced plasma and M. luteus. (B) Lane 1, BmSpz1; lane 2, pro-BmSpz1; lane 3, induced plasma; lane 4, pro-BmSpz1, induced plasma and M. luteus.