Panel top left:One-day pre- operative. Area of allodynia (red) and outline of lidocaine patch placement (black). Capsaicin cream 0.075% (9 cm2) shown applied on a small section of the most painful area (MPA).
Panel top right:One-year post-operative: surgical scar visible with area of numbness (blue) and allodynia (red). Only the anterior chest reported as painful.
Panel bottom left:Three years post-operative: The MPA (black) is at posterior midline border of the MPA region prior to surgery. Enlarging area of allodynia (red). Infiltration with 5 ml 1% lidocaine in the MPA reduced the area of allodynia to that shown in green.
Panel lower right:Five years and six months post-operative: Showing MPA (black) and allodynia (red). Posterior midline marked with thin vertical line. Insert shows anterior chest allodynia (red).