Table II.
Crystallographic refinement statistics
Space group | R32 |
Cell dimensions | a=146.30 Å, b=146.30 Å,c=514.30 Å, α=β=90°, γ=120° |
Volume fraction of protein | 73% |
Vm (Å3/Dalton) | 4.53 |
Total number residues | 1019 /asu |
Overall temperature factor | 69.7 Å2 |
Resolution range of reflections used | 50.0–3.1 Å |
R factor a | 0.305 (0.420) |
Free R factora | 0.341 (0.476) |
Reflections in working seta | 36947 (6113) |
Reflections in test seta | 1952 (289) |
Total data completeness (working set + test set)a | 38899/99.6 % (6402/100%) |
R.M.S. deviations: bond | 0.009 |
angle | 1.6 |
Numbers in parentheses are related to the highest resolution shell (3.29–3.10 Å)