Effect of OmpR phosphorylation on the binding of OmpR to a mutant F2 site. The DNA fragments were generated as described: F1-F2-F3 carries the wild-type sites F1, F2, and F3 (A), whereas F1-F2*-F3 carries a mutated F2 site between flanking wild-type F1 and F3 sites (B). The labeled DNA fragments (≈3.3 nM) were incubated with different amounts of wild-type OmpR in the absence or presence of 0.63 μM of the kinase MBP-EnvZ, as indicated. The OmpR/DNA complexes were resolved on a nondenaturing gel containing 10% polyacrylamide (75:1; wt/wt, acrylamide to bisacrylamide) and analyzed by autoradiography. The concentrations of OmpR used in this analysis were as follows. Lanes: 1, 0; 2, 37.6 nM; 3, 75.2 nM; and 4, 150.4 nM. The OmpR/DNA complexes corresponding to one-site occupancy (I), two-site occupancy (II), and three-site occupancy (III) are indicated.