Figure 3.
Immunization with CyaA recombinant toxins partially protects mice against a lethal LCMV challenge with a high dose of virus. On days 0 and 21, BALB/c mice were immunized with 50 μg of wild-type CyaA (w.t.), CyaA224LCMV, or CyaA224LCMV-E5 mixed with 1 mg of alum. On day 28, mice were challenged intracerebrally with 103.5 foci of LCMV. Control groups received either PBS or 105 foci of LCMV i.p. Mortality was monitored for 21 days at which time mice were sacrificed for analysis of serum levels of anti-LCMV antibodies and the presence of viral antigens in the kidneys. The percent of surviving mice and the number of surviving mice out of the total number of challenged mice are shown for each group.