Vasopressin does not stimulate ACTH secretion from anterior pituitary segments obtained from Avpr1b KO mice.
Isolated anterior pituitary segments from wild-type or Avpr1b KO mice were incubated in vitro with buffer alone (basal), Crh (1nM), Avp (10nM), or a combination of both ACTH secretagogues (Avp/Crh). Values are mean total ACTH (ng)/well ± SEM, n = 4 separate pituitary preparations. a, P <0.001 Avp KO vs. Avp wild-type; Avp/Crh KO vs. Avp/Crh wild-type; Avp wild-type vs. basal wild-type; Avp/Crh wild-type vs. Crh wild-type. b, P <0.0001 Avp/Crh KO vs. Avp KO; Avp/Crh KO vs. basal KO; Crh KO vs. basal KO; Crh wild-type vs. Crh basal; Avp/Crh wild-type vs. Avp wild-type; Avp/Crh wild-type vs. basal wild-type. NS, not significant (P > 0.05) KO vs. wild-type basal; Crh wild-type vs. Crh KO; Crh KO vs. Avp/Crh KO; basal KO vs. Avp KO.